Thursday 18 October 2012

How to get close to you?

How to get close to you?

How do I get close to God? I hear about Him but I can't feel Him.
I hear of His goodness but I can't see Him.
I want the wonderful things people speak of but I keep messing things up.
I want to live holy, I want to live upright but Sin keeps trapping me.
I want to talk to you about it but Satan keeps telling me im not worthy.
He keeps telling me that i'm not worthy to ask for help, and I believe it, every time I ask for you forgiveness, I say i'm done, but I betray you again.
I'm not worthy of your love, your grace or your time.
But im thankful that I'm just the kind of person you want to save.
The broken, soiled, repeat offender. I am the person you want to save.
I'm thankful that I dont have to be righteous to call upon your name,
I'm thankful that the power in your name is not limited to the 'perfect christian'
but it's available to me as well.
I'm thankful that I dont have to be worthy of your love, your grace or salvation to get it.
I'm thankful that your blood is able to cover me irregardless of the magnitude of my transgressions.
I'm thankful that you believe in me, in my ability to change and that you don't hold my sin against me.
For everyone out there that feels like this. I thank you for leading them here. Let them know that they didn't stumble on this by accident, but by divine direction.

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